Colorado DECA prepareS emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for college and careers.

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2024 Colorado DECA State Career Development Conference

View conference information for the 2024 Colorado DECA State Career Development Conference.

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Welcome to
Colorado DECA

Colorado DECA boasts a membership of 8,000 plus individuals across 93 chapters. It is part of the larger DECA organization with chapters in high schools and colleges across the state. Colorado DECA provides students with opportunities for networking, competition, and skill development in various business-related fields, helping them gain valuable experience and knowledge for future careers in business and entrepreneurship.

CO DECA Chapter Highlights

St. Mary's Academy

This year, the St. Mary’s Academy DECA chapter started the SMApparel store, a school store that sells SMA-branded merchandise. In March, the SMA administration approached DECA with a proposal: they wanted to launch an SMA apparel store and asked DECA to run it. SMA DECA students faced this challenge head-on! Students first surveyed the student body to determine the most popular apparel items. Next, they found appropriate vendors, ordered merchandise, and opened the store, launching it at the high school orientation. The SMApparel store has been open at different events throughout the school year and has sold over eleven thousand dollars in merchandise to date.


Colorado DECA State Officer Team